Etna Medya Hiz. periodically publishes 5 technology magazines: Newtech, Photoline, Macline, iPad Magazine and AppUsers.
NewTech is Turkey’s first consumer electronics monthly magazine. The content is prepared by a Turkish editorial staff, page designers and photographers each specialized in his own field. New Tech is among the leading periodicals in its field due to its competitive price and sales promotions. NewTech aims to bring together a wide range of the state-of-the-art products ranging from digital cameras to smart mobile phones, from home cinema systems to smart TVs and voice systems, from photo printers to digital cameras players and its readers by an unbiased content and clear language. Smart Shopping Guide included in the periodical covers more than 500 technological products classified into groups together with their technical features and current prices.
Photoline is the first and only digital photograph magazine which is monthly published in Turkey. It is considered as a constant reference source for the digital photograph lovers with more than 2,000 subscribers and assertive newsstand sales. The editors of the periodical who aim to transform the passion for photography into entertainment are enthusiastic about the publication of the periodical each month by combining the content that can be easily understood as it does not include upper language elements, and the visual photographic richness. Photoline is the most efficient source for anyone intending to buy or sell a digital camera due to the purchasing guide including more than 150 comparative digital camera models along with their current prices, photos and technical features each month, the secondary hand pages and testing pages.
Macline is the most read Macintosh magazine which is monthly published in Turkey. The number of the subscribers, which is approaching 2.000, proves that Macintosh users support not only their Macs but also the periodical. What underlies Macline periodical is the power of trust built by the team serving to Macintosh market through the publications for more than a decade.
Parallel to the fields of Macintosh use, the reader profile of Macline periodical consists of desktop publishers, graphic artists, print houses, Internet users, multimedia professionals, teachers/students, Macintosh users from any age group and education level in short. Macline is also followed with interest by PC Users who are interested in the desktop publication as Macline claims to offer the best and up-to-date content on the software such as Photoshop, FreeHand among other computer periodicals in the market.
iPhone&iPad Magazine
iPhone&iPad Mag is designed as a magazine about the relationship between iPhone, iPad and the user. It mainly focuses on the potentials, everyday and/or professional usage of this revolutionary new personal equipment.
App Users
AppUsers was designed for iPad, iPhone, Android and WindowsPhone users. AppUsers magazine is Turkey’s first and unique Android focused magazine which is published by-monthly. Since all the global researches confirm the increase of smart phone and tablet users in Turkey and all over the world, AppUsers magazine aims to provide a clear and rich content to facilitate an efficient use of these devices. Android and IOS related news, product reviews, news about wearable technologies, articles, most populer IOS and Android apps are also part of content.